
Top picks from the Ludum Dare game programming competition

If you don't know what the Ludum Dare game development competition is, you should definitely go check it out. It is free and anyone can join. You get 48 hours to create a game and then post it on their site. People can create accounts on the site and then vote for their favorite games.

I made a list of some of my favorites after paging through the submissions for a couple hours. (there are 891 entries currently)

Alone in the Gloom - hulahulahest

It is the dawn of the 20th century. A Cambridge scholar and explorer has led a team to the depths of the South American jungle to investigate a newly discovered temple complex claimed to predate the Olmec by several centuries, showing evidence of stonework thought beyond the capabilities of preclassical Mesoamerican masonry. As they begin to explore the strange temple, our professor accidentally falls into a pit and is separated from the group. All alone, he must find his way back to the surface, and maybe score some fascinating pieces of research data while he is at it...
This is a fun little game with some decent graphics.  You play as a gentleman with a monocle who is investigating a temple. There are keys and small puzzles that you have to solve your way through in order to get out. The graphics were very "SNES Zelda" - esque and were fairly pleasing. Overall it was a decent game with good gameplay. It actually has a story which is more than a lot of the submissions in this competition can say.

WEIRDLY ALONE. - xilefian
You work for Nicholas Snowwe, the most famous art collector in the country. He has purchased an old museum that has had no visitors for over ten years. Inside is a fresco by the painter Harld Forche. Find it for me.
This retro looking game looks like it came straight off one of the original gameboys. As you make your way through the museum, you run into different obstacles that require different items to get past them (logs can be burned with your lighter.) One tip: press z to sprint in the direction you are facing, otherwise it will take you ages to move anywhere.

A Gravekeeper - downsider
 ...a Gravekeeper who enters a crypt one night after hearing stories about a treasure inside
Although it doesn't have any sound, A Gravekeeper was a fun game to play through. It is a short platformer with good graphics and fairly solid game play. Basically you are dropped into a crypt and as you continue through you eventually find a gem and the cave starts collapsing. You eventually find you're way to the end of the cave and you win. Short and sweet. It doesn't offer much in terms of gameplay as the level is quite short, but it looks amazing and could really be expanded well.

Dungeons of Solitude - Knighty
Your only friend has wandered into the Dungeons of Solitude and has not returned. Can you survive the dangers of this place alone to find your friend?
This game was very well done. It is very reminiscent of a NES or SNES dungeon crawler. As you make your way through the dungeon, you find items (sword, throwing knives etc.)  that will be used to make it through to the next level. The sounds was a nice addition to the game, although there is no music the sound effects were well done.  The enemies who look like balls of goop were a nice addition. And generally just move towards you after they are aggroed. It was an enjoyable game to play that gets quite difficult as you progress through the levels.

Shaped - sendmorepeople

 A game from a two-man team about being alone, looking for others, and being shaped along the way.
This game is easily one of my favorites. The kind of like one of those match the shape games for kids except on steroids. In Shaped you start as the shape in the picture, your goal is to find the shape that matches you. You aren't left to searching though, as you can press E to send out a sort of tracer that will find your friend. Once you find your friend you simply bump into him and are tasked with finding the next one. Carefully make your way to the next shape without bumping into the others!

An all around great game that is simple and easy to play. The music in the background is superb and the gameplay is unique and relaxing.

Minicraft - Notch
 The goal of the game is to kill the only other sentient being in the world, making sure you'll be alone forever.
Although Notch created a great game, it would have been nice to see something branching away from Minecraft.Overall Minicraft is a fun little adventure with much the same feel as Minecraft. You can cut down trees to get wood and craft things at your crafting table. It is enjoyable to play and very similar to minecraft. Watch out for the zombies!

The real plus to minicraft is the code that Notch wrote. The source code is freely available on the Ludum Dare website.
The code for Minicraft is very well done. You can tell that Notch is a brilliant programmer. I had the opportunity to watch his live feed on twitch.tv during the competition. As a Java programmer, it was amazing to see the amount of skill and focus he was able to conjure up during the event. Notch's code is a great example of Java game code. If you are a Java programmer looking to get into game development but don't know where to start. I would suggest using Notch's code as a starting point.


T420 - Remap Back / Forward Keys

My Lenovo T420 has two keys above the arrow keys that I almost never use. By default they are forward and backward keys for browsing the internet. I decided to remap them to End and Home. This isn't too difficult.

To do this simply use the following terminal commands:
use xev to find the keycode for the key you would like to change the mapping of
use this link to find what you want the key to actually do
Use xmodmap to map the two together.

xmodmap -e 'keycode 167=End KP_1 KP_1 End'
xmodmap -e 'keycode 166=Home KP_7 KP_7 Home'

LWJGL Setup with Eclipse

I recently decided to try my hand at some game programming and decided to try and use the Light Weight Java Game Library (LWJGL)

It took me a little while to figure out how to get it set up in eclipse. Here is how.
Download lwjgl.zip from here

One you've created a new project in eclipse, add the .jar files like you normally would by right clicking on the project -> properties. Click on the Java Build Path tab and then Libraries. Add the jar files by clicking on the "Add Jars..." button.
The next step is what through me off. Make sure you click on the arrow next to lwjgl.jar and fill in the native library location to point you toward the native files that came with lwjgl (.so files in linux and .dll files for windows)

Hopefully this helps!

Building the Linux Kernel on Debian Based Systems

So you want to build the Linux kernel from scratch, but don't know where to start?
Wikipedia describes the Linux kernel as
The Linux kernel is an operating system kernel used by the Linux family of Unix-like operating systems. It is one of the most prominent examples of free and open source software.

If you are using a debian based system like Ubuntu or Linux Mint, building your own kernel isn't very difficult. I put together a short tutorial to that is fairly easy to follow and should make the process less painful.

In order to download, build, and install a custom kernel you will need the following packages installed.
1. Git - a fast, scalable, distributed revision control system with an
unusually rich command set that provides both high-level operations and
full access to internals.
2. kernel-package - a package used to make kernel compilation more automated and less painful.
3. fakeroot - runs in a command environment at pretends to have root privileges for file manipulation. Useful for creating archives with files inside that have root permissions.
4. buid-essential - contains an informational list of packages which are considered essential for building Debian packages. This package also depends on the packages on that list, to make it easy to have the build-essential packages installed.
5. ncurses-dev

sudo apt-get install git-core kernel-package fakeroot build-essential ncurses-dev

1. Change to the home directory
cd ~

2. Clone the mainline kernel git tree
git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git

3. CD to the linux directory
cd linux

4. Copy the kernel config from your existing kernel using uname -r for your currently loaded kernel
cp /boot/config-'uname -r' .config

5. Update the config file. The default answer to these questions will suffice.
make oldconfig
yes "" | make oldconfig to accept the defaults

6. Clean the kernel source directory
make-kpkg clean

7. Build the linux-image and linux-header .deb files. This is where the actual work takes place. It could take some time. On my machine with an i5 processor it took 15 - 30 minutes.
The concurrency level of this piece can be set manually. Basically it lets you allocate how many processors you would like to utilize in making the kernel image
CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=`getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN` fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version=-custom kernel_image kernel_headers

8. Change the directory level one up and install the two .deb packeges created<blockquote>
sudo dpkg -i linux-image-<insert custom kernel name here>.deb
sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-<insert custom headers name here>.deb

9. Make the kernel bootable
cd /lib/modules
sudo update-initramfs -c -k <insert kernel module name here>

10. Make sure grub recognizes your custom kernel when you reboot.
sudo update-grub

You're done! Reboot and see if it worked.

Summary of Linus's Kernel on Git


Linux - Scripts for hardware

Toggle Volume

    <keybind key="XF86AudioLowerVolume">
     <action name="Execute"><execute>ossmix vmix0-outvol -q -- -1</execute></action>
    <keybind key="XF86AudioRaiseVolume">
       <action name="Execute"><execute>ossmix vmix0-outvol +1 -q</execute></action>

Linux - Script to Toggle Touchpad

Short script to toggle the touchpad on/off in Linux.
Comes in real handy if you want to map it to a keybinding in openbox.

if [ $(synclient -l | grep TouchpadOff | awk '{print $3}') == 1 ] ; then
synclient touchpadoff=0;
synclient touchpadoff=1;

In openbox I mapped this to my fn + f8 key (the default button to toggle the touchpad on my T420)
I added the following to ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml

<keybind key="XF86TouchpadToggle">
<action name="Execute">

If you aren't sure what the key presses are that you want to use, there is a program called "xev" that will tell you the xevents keybindings, mousebindings etc. to the actions you are doing.


Lenovo T420 - Linux - Toggle Touchpad

Here is a helpful little script that toggles the touchpad on or off in Linux.

# My first script
SYNSTATE=$(synclient -l | grep TouchpadOff | awk '{ print $3 }')

# change to the other state
if [ $SYNSTATE -eq 0 ]
synclient touchpadoff=1
notify-send "Touchpad" "disabled"
elif [ $SYNSTATE -eq 1 ]
synclient touchpadoff=0
notify-send "Touchpad" "enabled"
notify-send "Error" "Couldn't get Touchpad status from synclient"
exit 1
exit 0

Thinkpad T420 and Arch Linux

I finally got Archlinux installed on my T420 without much of a headache.

Hardware and General Notes:
I turned off the Nvidia card (I have optimus on this laptop) and I am currently running with only the integrated Intel HD 3000 card. I used the xf86-video-intel driver for the card and everything works great. Sometime in the future I'm going to try to get Bumblebee working.

Sleep is working great.

I haven't tested the webcam or microphone.

thinkpad-acpi gives you all kinds of nifty tools to use for controlling different aspects of the Thinkpad series laptops.

This comes default with most kernels (it comes with Arch anyway.) To enable it edit /etc/rc.conf with your favorite text editor and under the MODULES section add the following:

Now (probably after a restart) you should be able to control some of your thinkpad's hardware. One of my favorite things is controlling the thinklight through the command line using the following commands:
echo 255 > /sys/class/leds/tpacpi\:\:thinklight/brightness
echo 0 > /sys/class/leds/tpacpi\:\:thinklight/brightness

This will toggle the thinklight on and off. There are all sorts of uses for this in bash scripts etc. There is a nice plugin for pidgin that uses the Thinklight and flashes whenever someone sends you an IM. A nice little addon.


Thinkpad T420

I recently ordered a new Thinkpad t420 off of Lenovo's website. I figured it was about time to replace my Asus eeepc with an actual notebook, something that I could actually use for programming. I wanted something durable that would last a while, and of course something that could handle Linux well. I opted for the t420 and took advantage of some of Lenovo's black friday deals.

It shipped out on Dec. 2 and should arrive by Dec. 8.


Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2520M CPU @ 2.50GHz
Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09) nVidia Corporation Device 1057 (rev a1)
ALSA Timer Device
ThinkPad Console Audio Control
HDA Intel PCH(HDA Intel ALSA hardware specific Device)
Loopback device Interface
RTL8188CE 802.11b/g/n WiFi Adapter
82579LM Gigabit Network Connection

I haven't heard the best of things on Lenovo's shipping, but we will see what it looks like. Currently the shipping information is as follows
Wow, the t420 had quite the trip from hong kong! Final shipping times.
Tri-City, IN, United States 12/08/2011 12:46 P.M. Delivered
12/08/2011 4:15 A.M. Out For Delivery
12/08/2011 3:42 A.M. Arrival Scan
Indianapolis, IN, United States 12/08/2011 1:42 A.M. Departure Scan
Indianapolis, IN, United States 12/07/2011 6:45 P.M. Arrival Scan
Louisville, KY, United States 12/07/2011 3:41 P.M. Departure Scan
12/07/2011 2:35 P.M. Import Scan
12/07/2011 2:00 P.M. Arrival Scan
Anchorage, AK, United States 12/06/2011 11:50 P.M. Departure Scan
12/06/2011 1:48 P.M. Arrival Scan
Chek Lap Kok, Hong Kong 12/06/2011 9:27 P.M. Departure Scan
Chek Lap Kok, Hong Kong 12/03/2011 8:30 A.M. Origin Scan
Hong Kong 12/02/2011 7:04 A.M. Order Processed: Ready for UPS


Nvidia Optimus and Linux - Notes

I have a Lenovo Thinkpad t420 coming in the mail soon. I opted for the version with the Nvidia Optimus technology which switches between an Nvidia 4200m (?) graphics card and the Intel HD 3000 integrated graphics. The Linux support for Optimus isn't entirely there, but I've found a couple interesting fixes.

Basically you can either (from the BIOS) turn off the Nvidia card completely or turn off the Intel HD Graphics completely.
A better option (in my opinion) is the Ironhide project which allows you to launch applications using the Nvidia card and uses the Intel HD Graphics for everything else.

Basically I'm keeping some notes in the bottom of this post and will write a tutorial and review later for Linux on the t420 with Optimus.
Ironhide for Ubuntu
Ubuntu Forums Ironhide how-to
Ironhide PPA Ubuntu

Archlinux AUR search for "Bumblebee" : http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?O=0&K=bumblebee&do_Search=Go

General Thinkpad / Notebook tips and scripts
Thinkwiki Thinklight
ArchWiki - T420
CPU Frequency Scaling