
Fixing minecraft with DWM and Arch Linux

In DWM minecraft doesn't work correctly, due to Java not recognizing DWM as a window manager, minecraft will appear something like this.

The fix is quite easy. Install the wname package using pacman and set the window manager name to something java will recognize.

# pacman -S wmname

# wmname LG3D

This is not a permanent change, so it is a good idea to add it to your .xinitrc file in your home directory

Geek Code

What is the geek code?

The geek code gives geeks a way to tell other geeks where their experiences and interests are. It's basically a programmatic way to sum yourself up by code. It is worth checking out.

For those of you who have never heard of the geek code, here is a link: http://www.geekcode.com/geek.html

My geek code.

For those of you who wish to see what my geek code looks like.

Version: 3.1
GCS/M/MU d- s++:-- a-- C+++(++++)$ UL+++ P+ L+++>$ E--- W++ N? o? K- w++ !O !M V? PS+++ PE+ Y+ PGP> t 5 x+ R+ tv+ b++ DI+ D++ G++ e++> h r+++ y+++


Linux Dual Monitor Script

As some of you may know, I run am running Arch Linux on my Lenovo T420. Being a programmer, I often use a second monitor. It took me a little while to figure out how to get this auto-configured on boot in Arch, but I've come up with the following script.

This script will autodetect if you have a secondary monitor (in my case VGA1) connected to your laptop. And set it up your screens accordingly using xrandr.

To get it to run at boot, I simply include it in my .xinitrc file in my home directory.

Feel free to use the script, although you may have to change the screens accordingly.